"The fact is the economy is very, very strong and that is what will win
through...." Paul
Martin, August 6 1998. These words uttered at the start of the annual
Conference to soothe the nerves of frayed Canadians as the dollar falls
through 66 cents
along with platitudes that the government is not indifferent to the
devaluation do little to
restore my confidence in the fiscal management of the country. We have
been headed towards this currency crisis for 30 years ever since our
governments adopted an attitude that you could use deficit financing to
borrow and spend without any accountability and increase the level of
participation in the economy without any limits or repercussions. The
facts argue
I have previously written several articles about Canada's financial
plight and our choices
for policy reform. Last year, I again re-iterated my belief that Paul
Martin's "beau risque"
of raising taxes to an extortionate levels to balance the budget would
not work without a
substantial and meaningful cut in the overall participation of
government in our economy.
The core problem remains the same as I pointed out in Canada's Choices
in 1993. The
private sector simply cannot support a public sector of the size we have
in Canada - "the
capacity of our economy is now out of balance with the governmental
overheads that
have been placed upon it" (Canada's Choices 1993). Overall government
participation in
the economy still exceeds 50% of GDP and the demands placed on the
private sector for
tax revenues to support this huge maw of government simply cannot be
What is happening to our dollar? Simply this: the international market
is discounting the
dollar in response to a recognition that Canada cannot continue without
some basic policy
reforms to re-balance the public/private sector. Anyone could balance
the budget by
increasing taxes short term which is exactly what Martin has done along
with his
provincial counterparts who have mastered the art of indirect taxation
in a thousand ways
as well. This "beau risque", as I termed it, has been a failure as the
fundamental issue still
has not been dealt with and the hope that eventually the economy would
revenues and grow us out of our troubles won't work without substantial
tax reductions
and encouragement to the private sector to make Canada a more attractive
place to invest
and do business. We are all carrying a larger debt - federal, provincial
and municipal than
ever - and the prospect now of interest rates being forced up by market
forces will bring
the deficit roaring back as an increasing percentage of revenues are
devoted to servicing
this huge debt and government revenues decline with a recession.
The fact is Canada is bankrupt and the international market is saying so
now with this
latest collapse of the dollar which I suspect will only continue with
increasing momentum
now towards the 50 cent level. How low can it go? Perhaps lower than you
or I can imagine.
Mexico's peso was 12 to the dollar in 1982 and over 3,000 to the dollar
by 1989. Canada's
currency could easily follow the same path as financial assets in Canada
increasingly unattractive to foreign investors on whom we have become so
through borrowing recognize our plight. The U.S. economy is strong and
interest rates are
headed higher. We, in Canada, cannot increase interest rates without
collapsing the
already fragile economy. When Paul Martin refers to the strength of our
economy it is an
economy that has been totally dependent on exports and exports driven by
a cheap dollar.
You cannot devalue your way to prosperity. A country that adopts this
policy simply
must keep devaluing and cannot return to prosperity without adopting
basic policy
changes as well. This is exactly the misguided policy Mexico followed
through the 1980's but it did
not escape the eventual crisis. Furthermore, it is preposterous for the
finance minister to
say the economy is strong when you have an effective 15% unemployment
rate or higher
throughout the nation when our southern neighbour is running a 5% or
lower rate.
In 1993, I called for a Declaration of a National Econoimic Emergency
(DNEE) with an
immediate devaluation and substantial policy changes to reduce
government participation
rates in the economy to bring the government's share of GDP to 30-35% so
that the
private sector could support it with a reasonable level of taxation. I
warned of the dangers
of a slow sliding devaluation and inaction. It is exactly what we have
had and we are now
facing an even bigger crisis - the danger of the elimination and
destruction of our middle
class through extortionate taxation to maintain the current faltering
system. It is only
natural for thinking Canadians to abandon the currency as everyone who
has any savings
can see the eventual ruination of our dollar by continuing along the
present path. If our
middle class no longer has sufficient disposable income to drive a
consumer economy our
standard of living will collapse. Private spending and investment after
all is the fuel that drives the economy from which all other revenues
are derived.
Let's first look at what cannot be done. The Bank of Canada cannot raise
interest rates
alone to defend the dollar as some are calling for. Small increases in
rates will only bait
the speculators even more and it will threaten to slow the domestic
economy. I would
venture that market forces will eventually take over and force rates
much, much higher
and guess what? The dollar will still not recover...exactly what I said
in 1993...we will
have the worst of both worlds - a weak dollar and high rates...and a
massive inflation
which I do not believe we can now avoid in any way. Inflation after all
is a tax in disguise
on all of us as our currency collapses. As people perceive this coming
inflation, they will only drive the currency lower unless they perceive
a meaningful change in policy direction.
What can be done. We need visible and resolute policy change. A DNEE is
still in order
and whatever form it takes, it must include the following:
1) A commitment to reduce to government participation to 30% or GDP
within 5 years.
2) A devaluation of the dollar to a level at which speculators will no
longer attack it but
from which it can be unquestionably defended with with these new
3) A revision of the GST and all sales taxes to make consumption
attractive and generate
domesting spending.
4) An immediate and dramatic tax cut both on income and the elimination
of all capital
gains (the reasons remain the same as explained in Canada's Choices).
5) All grants, loans and subsidies to private business should be cut
immediately and
replaced by broad and transparent tax incentives.
6) Implement modifications of RRSP investment criteria to encourage
local construction
and leverage.
7) Implement an accumulated debt reduction plan - ADRP.
8) Implement a Canada Works Program for essential infrastructure (not
swimming pools
and arenas).
9) An immediate and massive reduction in the civil service salaries and
All of these ideas have been expanded in Canada's Choices and elsewhere.
We simply
need to get to the core of the problem and stop dancing around the
edges. The private
sector cannot support the level of public expenditure in Canada. I doubt
now we
will get through this without great pain as the devalued dollar will
eventually work its
way into a difficult inflation that cannot now be avoided. All
governments have been
living off the fat of the land and a borrowed cheque book for 30 years
and it simply
cannot continue forever. The international community is telling us so by
selling our dollar
and everyone recognizes this now and just wants to dump his/her
Canadian dollars - I
suspect a lot of Canadians have also abandoned the currency as well - as
their faith in one
finance minister after another who have spun story after story as to how
they had matters
"under control" are now recognized peddlars of a brand of economic
sophistry that won't
I remain convinced that the pervasive depressed attitude of Canadians
towards their
economic prospects and governments can be turned around in 48 hours with
meaningful and determined
policy changes to build a sustainable economy and government on a new
foundation. We
are in a deepening crisis and a DNEE with the changes I have outlined
here and
elsewhere is required. I call upon the Prime Minister to act. You have
no choice now.