Canada's Choices
by Christopher C. Goodfellow B.A., M.B.A.
In March 1991, well before the mainstream press in Canada and
assorted politicians had started to raise the alarm on the
astounding rate of debt accumulation by governments in
Canada, I wrote a short article for a small Quebec weekly
paper (The Lachute Watchman) titled "Towards a Third World
Canada". In the article, I drew attention to the looming
debt crisis and the probable repercussions for Canada,
especially on our standard of living and our dollar.
We are now two years further into what has materialized as
the most serious economic crisis for Canada since the Great
Depression. It is not going away anytime soon and as we look
forward to a fall election in 1993, none of the political
parties appear to have the policies to deal effectively with
the situation. We hear a great deal about reducing the
deficit, yet actual details and mechanics on how to reduce it
are sorely lacking. While cutbacks in government services
and spending controls are taking place and may reduce the
deficit somewhat, policy makers are still not facing many of
the structural problems confronting Canada's economy, and
rhetoric by politicans is long on promises and short on
Unemployment represents a serious underutilization of human
resources. Our mechanisms for dealing with this structural
problem are outmoded. Bleeding payroll taxes at ever higher
rates from productive workers to pay out unemployment
benefits to those that have no hope of re-employment in the
present context does not make sense. Why do we have such
massive unemployment in a country that has such huge
resources? How can we create an investment climate to get
money into the economy to put people back to work? I will
suggest several solutions in this article that are novel and
Free trade and trade issues are in the news everyday. Few
Canadians really understand, even at the highest policy
levels, the impact that our increasingly open economy has had
on jobs. While I hold strong beliefs in the benefits of
trade and comparative advantage, I will show how we have let
the concept of free trade and an open economy to global
competition become a mantra that is leading us down a path
that continues to eliminate highly paid manufacturing jobs
and dooms many Canadians to minimum wage service work and
even more destructively dooms thousands to lives on
unemployment and welfare.
Few of the present politicians and policy makers stop to
think and reflect on Canada's most important comparative
advantage. When economists talk of comparative advantage they
usually are talking about resources, labour or technology. In
fact, Canada is well endowed with all of these traditional
advantages but it also has something that no other country
can boast of anywhere on the globe. The fact is, Canada is
the largest underpopulated country in a world exploding with
overpopulation. We have living space. We have a potential for
quality of life unequalled anywhere and lest any native born
Canadian doubt it, anyone in the third world would give
anything to come and live here in peace and plenty. It is
time we examined how we can best lever this advantage to our
benefit and design our industrial and social policies to
maximize this quality of life advantage. I will propose trade
solutions so that we are not left naked to the competition
from the lowest common denominator of world labour markets.
It is a commendable objective of Prime Minister Campbell to
reduce the deficit to zero in five years but has anyone
seriously examined the more important problem of the
accumulated debt that is now a reality that will be a drag on
the economy for years to come. How do we deal with it? It's
very existence will impact our interest rate structure for
years to come even if we balance our budget. Last year fully
one third of every dollar collected by the federal government
went to pay debt service-$39 billion of total revenues of
$120 billion. Even if the deficit is eliminated through lower
government expenditures, this existing debt service
requirement will take an even greater share of federal
revenues when government is restructured. I will propose
several novel ways of eliminating this debt.
I am writing this current paper with the intention that it is
not for a business or an academic readership, but for all
Canadians of all walks of life to read, so that they may
understand the depth of the crisis facing the country and the
possible solutions I propose. I would particularly urge media
representatives to question why some of these practical
proposals have not already been implemented. Occasionally you
read government press reports about the monthly deficit or
the monthly trade figures in your local newspaper. This is
filtered data and very often you cannot get a feel for the
true picture and developping trends because you do not have
the data in a time frame long enough to identify problems and
trends. I have included as part of the index over ten years
of data on federal government revenues and expenses. This raw
data will be used in generating tables and graphs in this
article but it is there for you, the reader, to peruse at
your leisure. If you ever wanted a lesson in pure financial
mismanagement it is there for one and all to see. After the
Pearson years, which left our federal government with almost
no debt and a budget surplus, our leaders embarked on a
spending frenzy that may never be seen again. Keep in mind
that the perceived wealth and increase in your standard of
living was largely financed by this debt. It is now over. The
proverbial jig is up. The average Canadian will not feel
prosperous for a long time. What was twenty years in the
making will not be repaired in five. It may take ten or even
more depending on how hard Canadians really want to work and
how fast we change our attitudes towards what the role of
government is. The global competition is tougher and wealth
creation is more difficult in the face of this competition.
The single most important thing to keep in mind as you read
through this article is that we are all in this together and
it will only be through co-operative efforts that we will
work our way out of this situation. Those of you who have
lived off government programs when you really did not have
to, obtained grants when you didn't need them, or overbilled
for fat management or legal services, you have only fooled
yourselves. We all owe. We will all pay.
Throughout history most human progress has been attained by
constant questioning of the conventional wisdom. Much of
what I propose is a challenge to the status quo and very
powerful interest groups. This is not a book of new age
philosophy with impractical solutions. A lot of what I
propose is just good old fashioned common sense and the
solutions are realistic. I suggest you now start by reading
"Towards a Third World Canada" in Apendix A.
Chapter 2